Latest Expeditions

Rising Heart of L72 2017
Expedition “The Rising Heart of L72” has received permit from the government of the Republic of Malta to recover the bell from the wreck of the Polish escort destroyer ORP “Kujawiak”. Expedition begins on May 8, 2017 and we will be in Malta for two weeks.

Heart of L72
Third expedition to ORP Kujawiak. We found the bell! Follow the ORP Kujawiak blog!

L72 A Forgotten Tradegy
Second expedition to Malta. First dives on the wreck!

Hunt for L72
Pozostałe dnie, to więcej i więcej materiału z wraku polskiego okrętu, bo teraz już nie mamy wątpliwości, ze odnaleźliśmy wrak Okrętu Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej Kujawiak.

Sierra Leone 2012
The First Polish Scientific Diving Expedition to Sierra Leone took place between november 9 and november 23, 2012.

Gallipoli 2011
The First Polish Diving Expedition Gallipoli 2011 took place between August 31st and September 9th. Its main topic was “the current status of the wrecks of the ships sunk during the Battle of the Dardanelles and the current state of their degradation.”
Final Report from Kujawiak Project

This report is the result of four expeditions to the island of Malta on the Mediterranean Sea in 2014, 2015, 2016, and 2017. During the four expeditions, honored by The Explorers Club Flag, the Shipwreck Expeditions Association team was able to discover the shipwreck of the Polish escort destroyer ORP Kujawiak – L-72. Kujawiak Project – Final Report – Download
Final Report Of The Two Sierra Leone Expeditions

Final Report Of The Two Sierra Leone Expeditions This report is the result of two expeditions to a wreck who sunk off of Banana Islands, Sierra Leone, West Africa. During both of the Explorers Club Flag expeditions to the site, divers were able to locate remaining cannons, anchors, porcelain,and other artifacts. Some of these have been analyzed, which in turn has allowed the team to determine the approximate time frame when the vessel sank – this being the first half of the eighteenth century. It was also determined that this was a vessel of the Dutch East India Company, in short VOC (Dutch: Vereenigde Oost-Indiche Compagnie). The query in Dutcharchives and collaboration with Dutch researcher, contributed to the identification of the shipwreck as that of the Diemermeer, which sunk in 1747. Download the Report
New website is online!

We are happy to show new Shipwreck Expeditions website. All things-wrecks under one roof. From now on, ale future expeditions and our projects will be available here. Hope you like it! Stay with us. WW Team
Gallipoli 2011 Expedition Report

The First Polish Diving Expedition Gallipoli 2011 took place between August 31st and September 9th. Its main topic was “the current status of the wrecks of the ships sunk during the Battle of the Dardanelles and the current state of their degradation.” The members of the expedition were eleven experienced wreck divers, underwater photographers and vi- deographers, as well as a historian and an assistant professor in the Department of Turkish Studies at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Dr. Piotr Nykiel, author of the book Wyprawa do Złotego Rogu. Działania wojenne w Dardanelach i na Morzu Egejskim (sierpień 1914 – marzec 1915)1. The diving team’s task was to accurately catalogue, photograph, and film each of the wrecks, while Dr. Piotr Nykiel evaluated the collected material as an expert in military history. After each dive, the team discussed what they noticed, and gathered their observations as input to this report. Dr. Piotr Nykiel then assessed the significance of our discoveries. Download the Report